Index page for MHMAC photo gallery. Photos are arranged into simple album pages with captions,
some of which have additional links to further information.
To open an album just click on a photo below.
To return to this index page
simply click the
button or use your web browser back button.
If you can add any
further information to photos (especially those with minimal
caption) then contact Roger.
I'll also be looking to members to send me more recent photos
(from 2015 onwards).

AGM Selection |

Scenes from 2007 to 2010 |

Scenes from 2011 to 2014 |

Scenes from 2015 to 2022 |

Collection of models built by MHMAC members |

Roger's parachuting ducks from this Graupner E182.
Powered by an AXI motor with Hacker ESC it provides a great slow
flying platform for in flight videoing, parachuting ducks and
the glider launch. Click on the photo to watch Donna and
Blitzen the parachuting ducks. (Please note no bath ducks
were harmed in the making of this video). |

Club entrants for the BMFA mass fly event 15th May 2022.
The BMFA mass flying event resulted in 3109 RC aircraft in the
air at 12 noon. Click picture for more pictures of the MHMAC entrants. |
Click on the photo to watch Tim's flying lawnmower:

and Dave's Trojan: